ITALY IN MELODRAMMA | Fulvio Croce Foundation and Amici Orchestra Sinfonica RAI

ITALY IN MELODRAMMA | Fulvio Croce Foundation and Amici Orchestra Sinfonica RAI On Monday 18th March, at 06.00 p.m., took place the conference “ITALY IN MELODRAMMA. Opera and national identity“, organized by Fondazione Fulvio Croce e dagli Amici dell’Orchestra Sinfonica RAI at the Museo Nazionale del Risorgimento Italiano (Turin, via Accademia delle Scienze n.5). At […]

Art Insurance | Milan Bar Association and Bar Foundation

Art Insurance | Milan Bar Association and Bar Foundation Tuesday 26th March, from 02.00 p.m. to 05.00 p.m., will take place the conference Art Insurance“, organized by Milan Bar Association through Milan Bar Foundation. The event will be available as a webinar mode on the ZOOM platform. At the meeting, introduced and moderated by Loredana […]

Financing, leasing and mandate contracts | 24ORE Business School

Financing, leasing and mandate contracts | 24ORE Business School Oh Thursday 19th March, at 09.15 a.m., Anna Papacchini and Alessandro Podda, respectively Of Counsel and Associate of Pavesio e Associati with Negri-Clementi,spoke on“Financing, leasing and mandate contractes”, as part of the 43rd edition of the Master in Lawand Business at 24ORE Business School in Milan. […]

Diritto, guerra e pace nell’epoca globale | Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa

Diritto, guerra e pace nell’epoca globale | Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa Thursday 14th March, from 10.00 a.m. to 05.00 p.m., there was a conference about “Law, war and peace in the global world. Re-reading Grozio since the first complete italian translation of De iure belli ac pacis” organizzata dal Centro Alti Studi per […]

231 and Whistleblowing: discipline and application implications | Turin University

231 and Whistleblowing: discipline and application implications | Turin University On Wednesday 6th March, at 01.30 p.m., Federico Galluccio, Associate ofPavesio e Associati with Negri-Clementi, spoke on “31 and Whistleblowing: discipline and application implications”, at the Economics and Management Department in Turin University.

XBHR Annual Conference | XBHR Association

XBHR Annual Conference | XBHR Association On Thursday 29th February and Friday 1st March Madrid hosted the Annual Conference of XBHR Association –The Global Forum for Cross-Border Human Resource Experts. Vittorio Torazzi, Partner of Pavesio e Associati with Negri-Clementi, and Mercedes Balado Bevilacqua, Partner ofMBB Abogados, moderated the discussion for the “Compensation and Benefits” section. […]

(un)talks 2024 | (un)fair

(un)talks 2024| (un)fair On Friday 1st March, in occasion of (un)fair 2024, III edition of the contemporary art fair for the younger generations of collectors , Pavesio e Associati withNegri-Clementi organized the (un)talks, coordinating panels of experts that have offered their insights on contemporary collecting and on central themes of today’s art world. As members […]

Professional Consulting: the Art Advisory service | Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Professional Consulting: the Art Advisory service | Catholic University of the Sacred Heart On Monday 4th March, at 05.00 p.m., Giorgia Ligasacchi, Art Consultant for Pavesio e Associati with Negri-Clementi, spoke on “Professional Consulting: the Art Advisory service“, as part of the bachelor’s degree course in Economics and Management of Cultural Heritage and Entertainment program […]

Law and Art. Research Perspectives | Turin University

Law and Art. Research Perspectives | Turin University On Friday 1st March, at 2.00 p.m., there will be the meeting “Law and Art. Research Perspectives”, organized by the Law Department of Turin University, at the Meeting Room in Luigi Einaudi Campus (Turin, Lungo Dora Siena n.100/A). At the meeting, introduced and moderated by Ida Ferrero, […]

Art Law: Contracts | RCS Academy Business School

Art Law: Contracts | RCS Academy Business School On Friday 16th February, at 9.30 a.m., Valeria Tommasi, Associate of Pavesio e Associati with Negri-Clementi, spoke on “Art Law: Contracts and copyright“, as part of the Master in Art and Cultural Heritage Management at the RCS Academy Business School in Milan. → Click here for more […]

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