Artist and collector, an (almost) love story now on display | We Wealth

Artist and collector, an (almost) love story now on display | We Wealth By Giorgia Ligasacchi, Art Consultant of Pavesio e Associati with Negri-Clementi. → Click here to read the article
From museum to company: art for well-being in the workplace. Interview with Giorgia Ligasacchi | Artribune

From museum to company: art for well-being in the workplace. Interview with Giorgia Ligasacchi | Artribune In exclusive for the readers of Artribune, we point out the interview with Art Consultant Giorgia Ligasacchi “From museum to company: art for well-being at work“, available in n.82 (January-February 2025) of the magazine, pp. 57-58. The article is […]
List of the outgoing board: a new link hypothesis? | La voce degli indipendenti

List of the outgoing board: a new link hypothesis? | La voce degli indipendenti By Annapaola Negri-Clementi, Equity Partner of Pavesio e Associati with Negri-Clementi, 21st November 2024. → Click here to read the article→ Click here to visit the website “La voce degli Indipendenti“
Art and Finance: a complex, delicate balance between heart and mind | Bocconi Students Art Society

Art and Finance: a complex, delicate balance between heart and mind | Bocconi Students Art Society Giorgia Ligasacchi, Art Consultant of Pavesio e Associati with Negri-Clementi, has been interviewed by the association Bocconi Students Arts Society’s students about the value of collecting art in a company. → Click here to read the article by Niccolò […]
Art Market: global turnover down, but luxury goods up | AB Review Allianz Bank

Art Market: global turnover down, but luxury goods up | AB Review Allianz Bank By the Art Team of Pavesio e Associati with Negri-Clementi, 24th October 2024. → Click here to download the report
“Breath” by Gianluca Patti at Cittadella degli Archivi of Milan | Critical-curatorial essay

“Breath” by Gianluca Patti at Cittadella degli Archivi of Milan | Critical-curatorial essay On Monday 14th October, Cittadella degli Archivi of Milan, unveiled “Breath”, mural by artist Gianluca Patti (Monza, 1977), together with a critical-curatorial essay by Giorgia Ligasacchi and Ester Candido, respectively Art Consultant and Junior Art Consultant of Pavesio e Associati with Negri-Clementi. […]
Revocation of the credits allowed: there is no more liquid reason | Altalex

Revocation of the allowed credits: there is no more liquid reason | Altalex By Cristina Biglia, Partner of Pavesio e Associati with Negri-Clementi. → Click here to read the article
DORA and cybersecurity: last months for the implementation by banks, insurance, and financial entities | Altalex

DORA and cybersecurity: last months for the implementation of banks, insurance and financial entities By Savino Casamassima, Of Counsel of Pavesio e Associati with Negri-Clementi. → Click here to read the article→ Click here for more information
The blooming of the art season. GERMINALE – Monferrato Art Fest | ArtSail

The blooming of the art season. GERMINALE – Monferrato Art Fest | ArtSail By Ester Candido, Junior Art Consultant of Pavesio e Associati with Negri-Clementi. → Click here to read the article
Professional Advisory #4. How do you value a classic car? The automotive sector | ArtsLife

Professional Advisory #4. How do you value a classic car? The automotive sector | ArtsLife Economics of Art in short. Exclusively for readers of Artslife, we point out the article “Professional Advisory #4. How do you value a classic car? The automotive sector ”, the fourth of a series of insights from the recent volume […]