Gender equality and the renewal of the Board of Directors of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
Annapaola Negri-Clementi, Partner of Pavesio e Associati with Negri-Clementi, is among the petitioners of the call not to go back on the issue of gender equality in the Boards of Directors.
You may found the text of call in the following:
“We have learned with astonishment rumors about some proposals to reduce gender quotas to facilitate the renewal of the Board of Directors of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) or the use of other calculation mechanisms to reduce the substance of the female component on the board. In this regard, the undersigned with experience of being board members wish to express some considerations.
It is undeniable that there is a multiplicity of excellent professionals in Italy, some of whom already have the role of adviser to listed companies or major unlisted companies, which have the necessary experience and characteristics to be considered by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) for the next renewal of the Board of Directors of CDP, as well as for other strategic companies in our country.
The motivation behind the reduction of gender quotas is not and can not be the lack of potential female candidates. Moreover, such a reduction would send a negative signal from the Government regarding equal opportunities and the protection of the less represented gender, Taking our country a step back from the progress made thanks to the Gulf Moscow Law that has been taken as a model by other countries in Europe.
It is essential that CDP’s shareholders set an example in order to affirm the importance of diversity and inclusion by ensuring that the Board of Directors of the institution has adequate gender representation based on merit and competence criteria.
For the sake of the country, let’s not go back.”
→ Click here to read the complete issue of the call