The novelties of the Cartabia reform on corporate arbitration | Piemonte Chamber of Arbitration and Notary Council of the United Districts of Turin and Pinerolo

The novelties of the Cartabia reform on corporate arbitration | Piemonte Chamber of Arbitration and Notary Council of the United Districts of Turin and Pinerolo

On Wednesday 27 September 2023, from 4.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m., the conference “The Novelties of the Cartabia Reform on Corporate Arbitration. The Arbitration Convention, the Cartabia Reform and the Rules of the Piemonte Chamber of Arbitration”, at the premises of the Notary Council of Turin (via Antonio Bertola, 40), organised by the Notary Council of the Combined Districts of Turin and Pinerolo and the Piedmont Arbitration Chamber.

Carlo Pavesio, President of the Piedmont Chamber of Arbitration and Senior Partner of Pavesio e Associati with Negri-Clementi, will speak as a speaker on “Arbitration and Notaries: The Reasons for Advising Arbitration“, 22 September 2023.

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