Annapaola Negri-Clementi in the Board of Directors of AMCO S.p.A. | Press Review

Annapaola Negri-Clementi in the Board of Directors of AMCO S.p.A. | Press Review

The Extraordinary Meeting of AMCO – Asset Management Company S.p.A., held under the chairmanship of Giuseppe Maresca on Monday 30th December 2024, approved the adoption of the single-tier governance system. Adopting such a system by AMCO entails exercising the control function by a Management Control Committee, constituted within the Board of Directors, rather than by the Board of Statutory Auditors.

The Assembly appointed members of the Management Control Committee: Cristina Collura (Chairman of the Committee), Lucia Foti Belligambi and Marco Tutino. The meeting also appointed as Board Member Annapaola Negri-Clementi, Equity Partner of Pavesio and Associates with Negri-Clementi. The number of members of AMCO’s Board of Directors thus increases from five to nine.

AMCO – Asset Management Company, a credit management company owned by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, has a systemic role in managing impaired loans with a value of 33.5 billion euros as of 30th June 2024. With an effective business model and aiming to optimize operational efficiency levels, AMCO follows a proactive approach in credit management, prioritising strategies for exploitation in synergy with other partners to facilitate the financial rebalancing of families and businesses.

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Press Review

Authors: Pavesio E Associati

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