Arbitration after the Cartabia reform | Arbitrando
On Wednesday 8th May, at 05.00 p.m., took place the presentation of “L’arbitrato dopo la riforma Cartabia – D.lgs. 231 149/2022 – Arbitrati speciali – Profili evolutivipublished by Zanichelli Editore with the contributions of Arbitrando – Associazione per l’Arbitrato’s members.
The volume offers insights about arbitration with a focus on the innovations introduced by the recent Cartabia reform, on special arbitrations and on new technologies that may affect the methods of resolving disputes in the near future.
The event took place at Allen&Overy Shearman Italy’s Milan offices (Via Ansperto, n.5).
Among the authors participating at the presentation, introduced byFrancesca Petronio, spoke Annapaola Negri-Clementi, Partner of Pavesio e Associati with Negri-Clementi.
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